Thursday, October 18, 2012

fall cleaning

For the first time in... MONTHS... all my clothes are put away, the laundry basket has dirty laundry in it - not clean clothes that I've not bothered to hang while the dirty laundry lies on the floor of the closet - and I can actually close my closet door. This is progress. Considering over the last few months I'd either been traveling, battling sinus/cold/bronchitis junk, or just plain not feeling like I had any control over anything anymore.
There's a lot more to be done yet - like re-organizing my art supplies that seem to have exploded all over my room. And figuring out how to clean up the mess of a closet that has spewed half it's contents on the floor.
I re-organized my room last spring so I could have floor space, and since that re-organization, I've not had any floor space! At least, not for very long. So this needs to change. Hopefully I can make some more progress on it tomorrow night. Including taking a trip to the Goodwill. Partially to take things and get rid of them, and partially to look for a few new clothes. I realize I have maybe three to five shirts that I wear constantly... Maybe. So, new season, time to go shopping. Also, time to get a haircut... Need to get some shape back in that mess.

Anyway. Enough rambling, it's time for sleep :)

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